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Last UpDate : 17/10/2019

What Happened?



A whole new world – to swim in?
We expected a new map after the previous island was destroyed by that pesky black hole – and we were right. There's a brand new island to play around in with 13 different areas, which seem to feature a lot more mountains and water features (rivers, lakes, beaches) along with brand new swim and dive mechanics. You can even eat fish to refill your HP, for some reason.

Boats boats boats
There's also now motorboats for zooming and shooting around in, giving a number of new ways to navigate the island. Sections of the island also remind us a bit of the Savage map in PUBG – which also had boat-based warfare a while before Fortnite thought of it.

Fewer guns
There's a streamlined arsenal of weaponry this time around, no doubt to keep things simple at the outset of Season 1. Mainstays like the Pickaxe and Assault Rifle remain, however.

Better graphics
Fortnite Chapter 2 also comes with a visual upgrade, with cleaner and more vivid graphics throughout, with Fortnite streamer DrLupo saying that "The graphics genuinely makes it look like a brand new game".

Level cap is gone
Other new additions include the removal of the level cap, meaning those of you at Level 100 can continue earning XP and transcending to the Fortnite master you always knew you could be. We're not currently sure what the new cap is, but 200 seems the most obvious choice (?).

Do you even lift?
You can also lift and carry friends to safety, or even pick up foes to take them away from it (yes, really).

Shoot health at your friends!
One incredible addition is a new health bazooka – the Bandage Bazooka, to be exact – that will revive your fallen squad members, putting friendly fire in a whole new light. There are also new group emotes for high-fiving or synchronizing dance moves together – meaning you never have to floss alone again.

Ways to hide, and things to blow up
In classic Assassin's Creed style, you'll even be able to hide in hay bales (or dumpsters), while "gas tanks and explosive barrels" will make for some exciting environmental dangers you can use to your advantage.

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